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Brian Z

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Monday... so Very Monday...

It's one of those days.... it's not bad but not that great either. You know the kind... just sort of BLAH! Or at least it started out that way. I got up around 9am was having a weird dream. I mean really weird. Tried to roll over and sleep some more but than I started getting that "hit by a truck" feeling so I got up and had some coffee. I promised myself I would write all day. I have this animated movie script I'm writing for a CTN project. It's fun but my heart and energy is not completely into it 24/7. I think I have too many other things going on, like the zombie novel I wrote and am going to get published. WOO HOO. I am very pumped and I want so bad to rifle through the edited manuscript doing last minute tweaks but I have a job to do... my movie script, which I'm taking a break from now. People who know me in real life know I have this un-healthy love for all things ZOMBIE. I am not sure why... when people ask me I always tell them is stems from my childhood love for puppetry and movie monster make-up and SFX. I used to love to see how real Tom Savini could make the zombies rolling heads look. I love the shot in Day of the Dead where the guy cuts off the top of a zombies head with a shovel and it ends up rolling along the ground with it's eyes still moving. Anyway enough zombie stuff but that's sort of why I'm in a good mood now. I has put my zombie novel online for people to read and on the website I have a guest book called the "bone yard" and today I got a message from a movie producer who loves the story and wants to "talk" about it. :) Oh well we'll see how.

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