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This is where you will be able to read about stuff i'm doing and for you old friends it's a great way to stay in touch and know where I am and what i'm up to. I will post about exciting new projects and you will also be able to read a movie review from Evil Zargon himself. Most of the movies he watches are horror, so if you're not a horror fan it might not interest you. Have fun and please feel free to click to become a follower and leave me a message.
Brian Z

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Monday, November 2, 2009


Been a few days since I wrote anything. Have gotten bogged down with a writing project so it's tough to pull myself away from it to make time here. Anyway not much to say. Good things all around. Jobs coming through, projects paying off... etc. new contacts being made etc. It's all good.
Will come back with something more exciting later I hope :) hehehe