Welcome to my BLOG BLOG BLOG

This is where you will be able to read about stuff i'm doing and for you old friends it's a great way to stay in touch and know where I am and what i'm up to. I will post about exciting new projects and you will also be able to read a movie review from Evil Zargon himself. Most of the movies he watches are horror, so if you're not a horror fan it might not interest you. Have fun and please feel free to click to become a follower and leave me a message.
Brian Z

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rotten Zombies With Keith Carpenter

Hey friends.... check out my new pod-cast on PTN www.peoplestvnetwork.com It's fun and entertaining and it's all about zombies. Rotten Zombies with Keith Carpenter and the Ren. Wednesday mornings 7am Pacific time in the US and 9pm Singapore/Malaysia time on Wednesday evenings. Be sure to catch it cause it changes every week. You can listen to it almost anywhere.

Friday, March 18, 2011

My review of Len Barnhart's "Reign of the Dead - Outbreak" book review.

I recently read Len Barnhart’s newest book ‘Reign of the Dead Outbreak’. For me it had been a much anticipated read as I enjoyed his first two books “Reign of the Dead” and Reign of the Dead- Apocalypse End’ very much.  When Len told me he was publishing his new book I was excited and could not wait to read it and I have to say he didn’t disappoint me.
The book was a page turner and lived up to every expectation I could have imagined as a zombie fanatic. His use of characters and the controversial relationships between them in the midst of his post apocalyptic landscape was very well done and made me like the characters even more. Some he made you love and some he made you hate and some you actually felt the emotion when they didn’t make it. (And you’ll know who I’m talking about when you read the book) The detail he goes into when he paints the picture for your imagination to fill in is inspiring and unmatched in my opinion and when he describes the zombies in his stories you can almost smell them.
Reading Len’s first novel was my introduction into the world of the zombie horror genre and after being a huge fan of the movies for years, I began to collect every zombie novel I could get my hands on and now I have a huge collection of both, but I have to say Len Barnhart’s work is the measure that all other zombie novels I read are measured against. When he told me he was going to write one more, my first thought was he can’t get it out fast enough for me. I loved the book and I would recommend it to not only zombie fans out there but anyone who appreciates a well written horror novel. I would give it three thumbs up if I had three thumbs.
Keith Carpenter
(Author of ‘Zombie Circus’ and ‘Freeze Dried the Awakening’) 

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Check out this interview with Bonnie Vent about my new book Freeze Dried and my other title Zombie Circus. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Got a young kid who likes to read? Well the Bizzaros on HERE

After being in the oven baking for so long, it's finally done to perfection, my new kids book The Little Bizzaros and the Big Oogley Boogley. Best for ages 5 to 9 this book is a fun story about a group of silly aliens that live on a not so beautiful planet. A story about making friends and identifying good from bad, it's a great little tale for your child to enjoy. Today is the first day it's available on Amazon.com or check out my website and order yours today. 
While you are there check out my first book The Story of Tweeker the Time Traveler for kids 6 to 11. But honestly both books can be enjoyed by the child in all of us. 
Get yours today... and happy reading. 
Brian Zimmerman

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Well with all the kids books I have finally gotten out and available on amazon.com my alter-ego still had time to crank out my newest adult zombie horror novel. A year in the making it's finally done and ready to be devoured by those crazed zombie fanatics out there. Unlike my first zombie thriller Zombie Circus which was based on a movie script, this one stays truer to the average zombie lovers taste for end of the world apocalyptic gore. So if you are one of those people who are always up for a good old blood guts and gore zombie story here is one you will be sure to enjoy. The digital version is currently available at Smashwords and the paperback version will be available on amazon in a matter of days, so bookmark the link below get yourself a copy of the book and gobble it up. 

If you read the book I would love your feedback and you can contact me at freezedriedtheawakening@gmail.com 

Cheers Brian Keith

Monday, January 10, 2011

In Bangkok on a puppet shoot.... How fun is that?

This is Mr. Puppet Puppertin the Puppety puppet that I am using for a puppet gig in Bangkok Thailand. Seriously though it's a shoot for DHL and this puppet has been dolled up (no puppet pun intended) to resemble one of the upper management figureheads in the DHL company. It's a fun gig and I always love visiting Bangkok... it's such a crazy place. I am also working with an old friend Jaclyn Chan whom I have not worked with in a long while. she was on of the writers on my Planet Bizzaro TV show and we are working together again. It's a blast so far... but today is the big day and boy am I looking forward to it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well it was a difficult choice to make but I have to thank all my friends on Facebook as well as Twitter and other online venues for giving me your feedback. Sometimes when you are endeavoring to do something creative you have to step back and get away from it for a bit. The feedback I got and all in all from the blog to the Facebook comments I got, some of which I posted up on the blog, I probably had over 50 different votes telling me which cover to use. I heard from Peers and graphic designer friends not to mention friends who have kids in the age group I am writing this book for, so all your feedback was very helpful. So with all that said I finally came to the decision to use the cover designed by my great friend Matt Ficner. So here it is... the new cover of my upcoming book SPACE SCURVY- THE TWO ISLANDS OF CAPTAIN CULPEPPER. If this is not the cover you voted for, please don't let that keep you from getting the book for either your kid or some other fantastic kid that you know and love. What ever you do.... don't judge this book by it's cover. 


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Credit where credit is DUE

Wow It's humbling to see how many wonderful friends from face book and other online venues have come to my blog and voted on the cover for my upcoming Space Scurvy book. I really appreciate it. I do, however wanna give some credit to a great friend of mine. I had one friend post how inspired she was by my blog and how creative she finds it. I appreciate the wonderful kudos, but there is a lot of stuff on my blog that visually was created by my dear friend Matt Ficner, designer, creator, puppeteer and puppet builder extraordinaire. Matt and I have known each other and worked together on numerous projects  for many years and he has lent his creative mind to bringing to life many of the wacky creatures I have dreamed up. Starting with the creepy space pirate with the cyborg teddy bear, Zargon, who is at the top of the blog, to the illustrations of my new book, Matt has been a creative inspiration to me and a wonderful friend. (Homeless Joe waving on the left, is both a creation of Matt's and one of his wonderful puppet creations. He created him for his Creepy Puppet Project, which you should check out on You tube. Anyway I just want anyone and everyone who comes to my blog to know that the creative stuff you see is almost always the collaboration of myself and creative friends of mine like Matt. I myself do love to be creative and you can find within my Tweeker book as well as my little Bizzaros book, some of my illustration attempts. Anyhoo.... Matt your my hero :) Thanks