For those of you who know me, you know I have lived in Asia for ten years (Singapore for six years, Malaysia for four years) and have not been back to the US in that entire time. Back years ago when I had a clown troupe I had founded called the 'Heavenly Nitwits' my right hand man was my dearest friend Charles. He was just some messed up kid when I met him and he joined my troupe and became the best clown there after some training of course. Here is a picture we took just after I had spent a year in the Ukraine clowning as support for a non profit org there that worked with homeless kids and orphans. It was one of the best years of my life, but the best part was all the young people I got to work with and train as clowns and bring a smile to the faces of some wonderful kids. Anyway in this picture is ME! the chubby tramp clown named Doctor Do Nothing and my side kick Corky the Clown. (Charles) I have been planning a trip back to Texas and I am going to get to see my dear friend and meet his wonderful family for the first time. I have not seen him for probably twelve or thirteen years and I am sure it's going to be a wonderful reunion. He's got his own kids now and I promised to bring along some crazy puppets and get silly. Fun Fun Fun. Charles is now a minister and works with the Youth in a large Church in West Texas.
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