I think I'm going to start giving out big weenie awards to weenies out there who just do stupid things. My fist one is the C.O.O. of McDonalds. As some of you know even though there was a French McDonalds commercial that was very progressive and had a pro-tolerance message towards homosexuals, the C.O.O. of the American McDonalds corporation headquarters said this pro-gay message that was in the French McDonalds commercial, was not a sentiment shared by McDonalds in the USA. So I guess when McDonalds says "come as you are" what they mean is "come as you are as long as you're heterosexual." Well to all my gay friends out there, let's hope this changes as there is enough anti-tolerance sentiment out there in this world. This message has outraged many gay and lesbian groups in the US and some people have even decided to boycott the food chain. I don't boycott them personally but I go there as seldom as possible because their food is so terribly unhealthy, but I'm not a hypocrite, I like a good egg McMuffin from time to time. Why can't we all just get along?
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