The gory picture you see here is the cover of my latest zombie horror novel Freeze Dried The Awakening. It's the product of over a year of hard work and many writing blockages that had to be purged. Its September and I am feeling great. However late June and all of July and part of August I found myself having serious problems with sleep apnea and later full blown insomnia. I dropped a few pounds and trained myself to sleep on my side and the apnea pretty much went away, but the insomnia lasted for months. I think it was a combination of fear of dying in my sleep (from the apnea) and a huge guilt trip I was feeling from not having been back to the US to visit my dad in just over ten years. I'm sorry... maybe i'm a bad person but all this time I just really have not missed the US. In the ten years I have been here I actually had started making plans to go back and visit even though I HATE those long flights, but I was determined to see my dear old dad. Well the fist time I started making plans S.A.R.S. broke out and traveling wasn't a good idea. A few years later I tried to make plans again and your friend and mine waged a war against IRAQ so again traveling wasn't such a good idea. Anyway I have been here in Asia loving every moment, since April of 2000 and for the fist time in all this time I am going back home on Oct 3rd 2010. I have to admit, I don't relish the thought of the HOURS in the air it will take to get there, but I am looking very much to it. Anyway to finish my thought. After almost three months of having to take Xanax (prescribed by my doctor btw) just to get to sleep, one night to my delight I was able to just close my eyes and fall asleep. It only happened after I solidified my plans to go back to the US. I have to wonder if somehow I was subconscious messing with my own mind and causing the insomnia due to my guilt. Anyway It's been over a month and I am sleeping like a baby no drugs needed. And I've been able to focus and finish my newest novel Freeze Dried. It should be available on Amazon.com hopefully in November. I wanted to get it out for Halloween, but that didn't happen. But for all you fright fans out there please bookmark my website www.zombienovelsbykeithcarpenter.com and order your copy of my first novel zombie circus. I know what a shamless advert, but hey I wanna sell books and I know there are zombie fans out there who might wanna read it. I have to say that FaceBook is one of the most awesome ways to reach out and touch people. People you have lost contact with as well as people you would just love to meet. I recently did a search on FB for one of my favorite authors. I found him and added him as a friend and now we've been chatting back and forth a bit. I will take this opportunity to plug his books but I have to tell you how I learned of him. I had watched zombie movies all my life, since my first Romero film back when I was a teen. (George Romero is one of my facebook friends as well, btw... hows that for name dropping) anyway even though i loved zombie movies, I had never read a zombie novel as I was this dyslexic kid who hated to read, but as an adult I had started to read more and more novels. Well one day I was placing an order on Amazon.com for some of my favorite zombie movies that i could not get in stores here in Asia and amazon made a recommendation (as they always do) for me to get Reign of the Dead by Len Barnhart. I didn't read the fine print but ordered it based on the graphics on the front, but I thought it was a movie. I ordered the first one and the sequel and boy was I surprised when my movies arrived there there were two books in the order. At first I was a bit disgusted with myself for being so stupid, but then I read them.... OMG. I loved them. I recommend Len's books for anyone who is a lover of the zombie genre. Anyway I was able to befriend Len via Facebook and i'm all the better for it. I know this post if full of 'plugs' but hey it's all true and you gotta write about what blows your hat in the creek, as we say in Texas. :) until the next post... peace.
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