Wow It's humbling to see how many wonderful friends from face book and other online venues have come to my blog and voted on the cover for my upcoming Space Scurvy book. I really appreciate it. I do, however wanna give some credit to a great friend of mine. I had one friend post how inspired she was by my blog and how creative she finds it. I appreciate the wonderful kudos, but there is a lot of stuff on my blog that visually was created by my dear friend Matt Ficner, designer, creator, puppeteer and puppet builder extraordinaire. Matt and I have known each other and worked together on numerous projects for many years and he has lent his creative mind to bringing to life many of the wacky creatures I have dreamed up. Starting with the creepy space pirate with the cyborg teddy bear, Zargon, who is at the top of the blog, to the illustrations of my new book, Matt has been a creative inspiration to me and a wonderful friend. (Homeless Joe waving on the left, is both a creation of Matt's and one of his wonderful puppet creations. He created him for his Creepy Puppet Project, which you should check out on You tube. Anyway I just want anyone and everyone who comes to my blog to know that the creative stuff you see is almost always the collaboration of myself and creative friends of mine like Matt. I myself do love to be creative and you can find within my Tweeker book as well as my little Bizzaros book, some of my illustration attempts. Anyhoo.... Matt your my hero :) Thanks