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This is where you will be able to read about stuff i'm doing and for you old friends it's a great way to stay in touch and know where I am and what i'm up to. I will post about exciting new projects and you will also be able to read a movie review from Evil Zargon himself. Most of the movies he watches are horror, so if you're not a horror fan it might not interest you. Have fun and please feel free to click to become a follower and leave me a message.
Brian Z

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Have you ever been called a "dreamer" in a negative way? Like your just someone who always has their heads in the clouds with no grasp of reality? I feel like that all the time. Life is funny because we look around ourselves and we always have this need to compare ourselves to everyone around us. All those people who are smarter or more successful or the ones who seem to always be in the right place at the right time. Well we are all given one life and it's the only one we have to live and rather or not we are the only navigator / ship captain we have and what else is there to do but dream.
I look at my own life, growing up a kid who always had his head in the clouds. Always drawing or writing stories or coming up with weird characters and the wacky lives they lived... hell even tearing up my mom's old household items and making them into puppets. I look at where I am now at 43 and ask myself what have I accomplished. I'm not a millionaire "yet" hehehe and I still live like a starving artist at times, hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck, but I guess the real test is rather I love what I do or not, which I do. I really believe it keeps me young. Ok so I'm 43... I've written a few books, created a couple of tv shows that have actually aired somewhere on this big blue planet. I've gone through that process of creating something on paper and then helping it be realised into a finished product. It's exciting and I love it and I guess I'll never stop pressing forward to the next one.

I have a motto I live by and I firmly believe in. "You are never a failure at something until you stop trying." So in my book, if you died trying to achieve something... you didn't really fail, you just set the groundwork for someone else who shared your dream to press on with it until it happens.
Well this blogging thing is fun although i don't think I have anything particularly profound to say, but oh well. Today is just another day, except my sweetie lost a grandfather. It's been tough but I guess we move on. I remember when I lost my grandfather... it's always tough to know how to react to the other people in your family who are hurting. And when a friend loses a loved one we never know quite what to say. It's always a sad awkward time.

On a happier note I am playing an awesome new video game in my spare time. For those of you who know me well... yes I am a 43yo kid who is an x box fiend. I got this game a while back and never started to really play it but out of sheer boredom I get into it the other day and I'm loving it. it's called Gears of war 2. Unlike those games that look like they should be some training simulation for Afghanistan, this one is not realistic in the sense that you're battling a civilization of monsters. oh well you have to try it, it's loads of fun. Well that's it for today. I am just hanging around while my loved one is gone. It gets to boring without them around.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Monday... so Very Monday...

It's one of those days.... it's not bad but not that great either. You know the kind... just sort of BLAH! Or at least it started out that way. I got up around 9am was having a weird dream. I mean really weird. Tried to roll over and sleep some more but than I started getting that "hit by a truck" feeling so I got up and had some coffee. I promised myself I would write all day. I have this animated movie script I'm writing for a CTN project. It's fun but my heart and energy is not completely into it 24/7. I think I have too many other things going on, like the zombie novel I wrote and am going to get published. WOO HOO. I am very pumped and I want so bad to rifle through the edited manuscript doing last minute tweaks but I have a job to do... my movie script, which I'm taking a break from now. People who know me in real life know I have this un-healthy love for all things ZOMBIE. I am not sure why... when people ask me I always tell them is stems from my childhood love for puppetry and movie monster make-up and SFX. I used to love to see how real Tom Savini could make the zombies rolling heads look. I love the shot in Day of the Dead where the guy cuts off the top of a zombies head with a shovel and it ends up rolling along the ground with it's eyes still moving. Anyway enough zombie stuff but that's sort of why I'm in a good mood now. I has put my zombie novel online for people to read and on the website I have a guest book called the "bone yard" and today I got a message from a movie producer who loves the story and wants to "talk" about it. :) Oh well we'll see how.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A new day and I'm off to help my pal in the Philippines rectify a problem he is having, after that it's just another Saturday. At some point this weekend I have to pick up where I left off on a script I am writing for a Cartoon Network animated movie. It's fun but got a bit of a writer's block.
more later.
Oct 24, 2009-This is my first day as a blogger. I have done a bit of venting my opinion on some of the other sites i am associated with but I have never just set up a blog and just started spilling my guts. So here goes and I hope you find what I have to say interesting enough to read it.

After about six months of trying to get my website up and running I finally sort of have. I have to thanks Ady McCoy my webmaster for doing all this for me and with me. It's not finished but today is the first day the thing started taking shape. If you're here reading this you must may have come here via the link from my www.evilzargon.com website. I am trying to make it a fun site and I hope you enjoyed it so far.